Marriage & Couples Counseling In Montclair, NJ

Heal Your Relationship and Feel More Connected Again

In-Person & Online Counseling Available

You’re stuck in a “negative pattern” with your partner.

There’s been a breakdown in communication which leaves you often  feeling misunderstood.

You find yourself having the same old conflicts which never get resolved.

No matter how you try explaining what you need and  how you feel, your partner takes it the wrong way,

You feel like you’re roommates, longing for closeness and more intimacy.

You’ve had thoughts like:

  • “I don’t want to lose our relationship but I’m afraid I can’t continue like this”

  • “Does my partner care about me anymore?”

  • “Nothing I do seems to be good enough”

And you don’t know how to talk to your partner about these concerns.

You worry about what will happen if things don’t change, if you stay stuck in this cycle.

The truth is, you CAN get unstuck and breakfree of the “negative cycle” that’s destroying your relationship.

Therapy can help you get unstuck.

Emotionally Focused Couples Counseling can be the solution.

Communication is almost always at the root of the problems you’re encountering in your relationships.

When you don’t communicate well (or don’t communicate at all), then you grow distant and disconnected, because you can’t express your real emotions with each other.

Through EFT, I can help you solve this by providing a roadmap to help you get back to communicating with your partner!

I provide both of you a safe space where you can explore your emotions with each other, and heal your past pains with each other.

By solving those root issues, you can now get back to enjoying your partner again.

The transformation in your relationship can be amazing.

After therapy, my clients report  that they feel closer and more secure in their relationship.

They’re able to talk about the things that were once difficult to talk about.

They can clearly express their needs and concerns to each other. And they start enjoying the time they spend with another again!

The same can happen for your relationship.

It just takes reaching out to get started!

If you’re ready to have the relationship you desire, I’m ready to help!

Reach out below and let’s get started!

Hi, I’m Stevette, and welcome to my practice!

I know that at this moment you may be struggling in your relationship, but you're not alone. 

Things can change!

You don’t have to be stuck in a negative communication cycle. You can learn new patterns of interacting and  have a truly enjoyable relationship…

Why should you choose to work with me?

  • I offer both in-person counseling at my Montclair NJ office, as well as online counseling so you can get therapy the way you want!

  • I have over a decade of experience working with couples, so you can have confidence in your therapy

  • I’m specialized in EFT, which has a 70 % success rate in helping couples not only recover from distress in their relationship but remain connected well after the end of therapy

  • I provide a very structured approach to therapy based on a roadmap, so you can know you’re on the right track

This is your time to heal your relationship, get started below! Click here to get started with Couples Counseling on line or in person in Montclair, NJ

Ways I Can Help Your Relationship

  • Work/Life family balance

  • Communicating well with each other

  • Premarital Counseling

  • Emotionally Focused Couples Counseling

  • Infidelity and Cheating

  • Intimacy and finding your passion again

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The first 3 sessions are diagnostic and they are 90 minutes long for $325/session.

    Then the weekly counseling sessions are 60 minutes for $250/session

  • Like most therapists, I am considered an "Out-Of-Network" provider, which means I do not accept any insurances directly.

    On most insurance plans, they have “Out-Of-Network” benefits that can be used to pay for therapy. In fact, most of my clients actually use their Out-Of-Network benefits with their own insurance plan.

    If you would like to use your insurance, then I am able to provide you with a monthly receipt called a "Superbill" and you can submit this to your insurance provider for possible reimbursement. Reach out to me below if you have more questions about this.

  • My office is located at 88 Park St, Montclair, NJ 07040.

    I also provide online counseling so you can choose the type of therapy that best suits you.

  • It is recommended that at least for the first 3 months we meet weekly so that we can gain traction in our work together. We can then assess your progress to determine whether to scale back to biweekly or remain weekly.

  • The first session involves an initial assessment of your relationship from each of your point of view. This allows me to get to learn about you and your relationship. You will also have an opportunity to get to know me and how I work to determine if I’m a good fit for you.

How To Get Started


Get In Touch

Simply click below to schedule a FREE consultation call with me.


Free Consultation

I'll have a call with you to learn more about you and your unique challenges


Feel Better

We'll get started with therapy and I'll guide you through this process so you can find your freedom

Are you ready to reconnect with your partner and enjoy each other again?

Reach out below and let’s get started!